Friday, September 09, 2005


I've been really busy at work which is why I haven't updated anything here in a while. Lots of exciting stuff has happened, though. Megan, my parents and I went to Black Hills, SD for my dad's family reunion. My parents rode on the Gold Wing to Rock Springs, WY where they met up with my dad's brothers.
In August, we went on a houseboat trip to Shasta for a week. We had 18 people on our houseboat. The weather was awesome and we got in some good wakeboarding time.
Kurt, Ty and I went up to Spooner lake and rode the Flume trail a few weeks ago. That was a really fun and challenging ride.
Tonight is Megan's Birthday dinner at Micasa Too. Next week I go to Vegas on Wednesday and Thursday to work at the show. I'm so glad that that will be over with. Hopefully I'll have time for a more comprehensive update soon.
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