Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Pictures of our new dog, Baby

She's about 1 1/2 years old. We got her from the Humane Society on December 7, 2004.

Megan got a dog last week. I picked her up on Tuesday, December 7 from the humane society. She is a retriever mix, all black with a little white spot on her upper chest and huge paws. She was very mellow when we met her at the humane society. She stood in the meeting room, her legs trembling and her tail between her legs. Baby continued to be very timid when I picked her up on Tuesday after getting spayed until Thursday. She keeps getting more friendly and excited to see us. Now she seems very adapted to us and her new home. She's still not so comfortable with the Costco dog bed, though. If I pick her up (she's 66 lbs) and set her on it, she'll lie there but she won't put herself on it yet. We take her to the vet for her initial checkup tomorrow.

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